Automated Generation of Tactile Mathematics

Automated Generation of Tactile Mathematics

Volker Sorge

[email protected]

University of Birmingham, UK University of Birmingham Crest

MathJax Consortium MathJax Logo

Progressive Accessiblity Solutions Progressive Access Logo

Indian Instiute of Technology, Delhi IITD Logo


The Team

Al Maneki Rob Beezer Alexei Kolesnikov Michael Cantino Volker Sorge

plus Martha Siegel, Karen Hartenstein, David Farmer

The Sponsors

Others for individual projects

Initial Problem

Al Maneki reading a tactile math book

Creating Tactile Hardcopies

Translate textbooks automatically into Braille from source

Overview of the workflow

What is PreTeXt?

PreTeXt is a an uncomplicated XML vocabulary for open source textbooks, monographs, and research articles.

In our context: provides free and well curated content

What is LibLouis?

LibLouis open-source software suite for Braille translation

In our context: translation of literary text and document structure

What is MathJax?

In our context: translation of LaTeX to Nemeth Braille

Speech Rule Engine

Generate Semantics


Nemeth in SRE

Sponsored by Big Ten Academic Alliance

Click or focus on the formula and press ENTER to start, Escape to quit.

MathJax on the Server

2D in Nemeth

Quality Assurance

Some Challenging Examples

Nemeth is challenging to get right automatically, but sometimes automation is better:

What about Diagrams?

Some examples from Abstract Algebra

Processing Labels

Example: Latex to Tactile

Source: Tom Judson, Abstract Algebra: Theory and Application

Cyclic Roots of Unity.

Workflow Example

Unit circle with Braille bounding boxes

Workflow Example

Unit circle with Ascii Braille

Workflow Example

Unit circle with Ascii Braille

Diagrams for Screenreading

Click or focus on the diagram and press A to start, Escape to quit, Escape to quit.

Talking to the Embosser

Example: Poorly embossed

Diagram bad for embosser

Example: Legibly embossed

Diagram bad for embosser

Example: Best solution

Diagram bad for embosser

State of the Project

Future Work